I've been meditating more lately. It's good for the mind (and the brain).
Meditation is not what you think - literally!
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia - they talk about aligning your mind with
pure consciousness (something they call "Purusha").
Meditation requires you to do two activities,
which are very difficult for most people:
1) Sit still
2) Stay Present
To help one in meditation, it's a good idea to
"ask for help" (what a concept!)
In days past, people would ask for help by
calling out a chant - and repeating it over and over again. This process of
repetition is called - JAPA. The process of japa is important as it
"cuts a new groove" in your old patterns.
One of the oldest chants in the world is from
the Rig Veda (approximately 3,500 years ago). It's
called the Gayatri Mantra and its still chanted
It sounds like this: (chanted by Deva Premal)
- http://devapremalmiten.com/the-essence/
The words are as follows:
Om bhoor bhuvah svah
(to the supreme essence of
everything that permeates of all levels of existence, time & space -
and that eliminates suffering and embodies
tat savitur varenyam
(to THAT luminous
brilliance that is the most virtuous and best for human consciousness)
bhargo devasya dheemahi
(Destroy our weaknesses,
flaws and defects, so that we may receive in our meditation divine and abundant
strength and joy)
dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat
(In order to propel our
intellect towards the path of supreme consciousness)
I chant this every day - sometimes out loud -
sometimes driving in the car - mostly silently to myself.
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