Saturday, October 25, 2014

Indian Rain - Sunday morning 10/26/14

Huge Thunderstorms last night. Flashes of the brightest lightening I've ever witnessed with an immediate clap of Thor's thunder right after. WOW!  Buckets of warm rain pour down upon the townspeople and the streets turn into running streams of water while the gutters turn into rivers. To top it all off everyone (including me) is in sandals!  It stops as fast as it came and the sky clears to a warm sun - but moments later it's back.  How can those fluffy clouds hold so much moisture? Simply amazing.

Yesterday we had back-to-back yoga classes with Arun for an extended 2 1/2 hour practice focusing on shoulders and abdominals.  Lots of twists for the shoulders and leg-lifting poses (Navasana - i.e, "Boat Pose") for the abdominal core.   Long holds, challenging sequences, and a teacher with a very focused eye - keeps you working harding than you think you have in you. It was so great.  

Today is the final celebration of the year long celebration that started on October 26, 2013 on the "beginning" of Arun's 60th year.   That's how they count birthday's in India. When you're born it's your "first year", so at the end of it you celebrate your 1st year.  So officially - last October 26, 2013 was the start of Arun's 60th year - and the 30th year of his yoga studio - Prashant Yogashraya.

Today he releases his new book - "Experiment and Experience on the Chair - the Yoga Way". There was a great article in The New Indian Express about the book release.  

Everyone is very excited.  We just hope the book doesn't get wet in the rain!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Yoga is about "coming together"

Many people define the word "YOGA" as meaning "union" - but that definition doesn't resonate with me. My teacher Arun says that " is about coming together. You bring your hands together in namaste, you bring your feet, shins, knees and thighs together in Tadasana and you bring your mind, emotions, heart and soul together with your body when you practice asanas."

I also realize that yoga brings "people" together and helps us form a sense of community. This was totally self-evident yesterday as we celebrated Arun's 60th birthday in the traditional Indian style.  This was all complete with a huge 350 person lunch and festival.   

Yoga is about coming together, bringing everything to one.  

Omkaraya Namo Namah

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Puja for Patanjali

Last night (10/21/14) we attended the annual puja for Patanjali that began at 6:00 p.m.  The ceremony starts with about a dozen hindu brahmins chanting while the main priests prepare the blessing for Lord Patanjali - scribe of the yoga sutras. The chanting continued throughout the entire puja which lasted over 2.5 hours.  During this time the granite statue of Patanjali was washed and bathed in honey, milk, water, nectars, oils, etc. After full cleaned he was then adorned with a silver frontpiece and flowers.  It was quite and event. Afterwards we were fed by the priests. A 20-course meal was served on traditional banana leaves. You couldn't waste any food - but you could eat as much as you want. Sweets, salads, vegetable curries, rices, it was amazingly good and filling.  So ended our first day.  


Monday, October 20, 2014

108 salutations to Patanjali

Today in India is Patanjali Jayanthri - the celebration of Patanjali (21-Oct-2014).   We touched down at Bengaluru International Airport at 2:30 a.m. this morning.  I was with my wife Kate and some other yoga friends from Pleasanton/Brentwood area. We jumped into two cabs from the airport and by 4:00 a.m. we were in our hotel. A "Best Western" believe it or not - and it is brand-spanking new! Almost unheard of here in Bangalore.  New towels, new bed, new sheets and HOT WATER - oh yeah!

At 5:45 a.m. we walked the few short blocks to Arunji's studio and attended a packed 6:15 a.m. class. We were greeted by many friends from near (India) and afar (students from Canada, Germany, South America and New Mexico, USA).

Arun started class with the classic chant to Patanjali (Yogena Cittasya Padena Vacam...) but he ended it with 108 "call and response" chants to Patanjali.

Pranamami Patanjalim, Pranamami Patanjalim
x 108

After class Kate and I walked up to the vegetable and flower market as it was opening. This is a very celebratory week in India as it is the Diwali Festival - a festival of lights and blessings.

The light rain cleared the air and the fragrance from the flowers cleared our mind.

We're back in India!

More to come.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bound for Bengaluru

Arun resting in a pose
Heading back to Bangalore this afternoon.  All packed and ready to go.   Kate and I will be there for 3-weeks.  We will also be spending 5 days or so in the very south tip in the state of Kerala and the city of Cochin.  

It's my teacher Arun's 60th birthday on Sunday 10/26.  Diwali celebrations are all this week - and - we land on the 21st of October which is Patanjali Jayanthri - the celebration of Patanjali the scribe of the yoga sutras.

I'll post more when we arrive
AUM (in Sanskrit)

Bon Voyage!